
Aaron Glickman

Aaron GlickmanProducer, actor and digital media publisher, Aaron Glickman is a Miami native.

After earning his degree in theatre from Florida State University, Aaron payed his dues in the outdoor drama circuit, working in summer stock theatres in North Carolina and Kentucky. From there, he headed west to Los Angeles where he lived and worked for a decade.

In 2006, Aaron came home to launch Luxury Condo Living magazine – a print publication that covered the luxury condo lifestyle. As the impending real estate crash loomed, Aaron identified SocialMiami, a charming society blog with highly targeted email distribution.

After creating a business strategy designed to transform the platform into an online glossy magazine, Aaron became publisher, and under his direction the platform increased in revenue and site visitors by 10 times. He developed partnerships and marketing strategies with many of Miami’s most powerful brands, and created viral editorial strategies that highlighted the city’s greatest influencers.

Additionally, Aaron became more involved with his community, sitting on committees and raising funds for Baptist Health, Miami Children’s Museum, Miami Children’s Hospital, YoungArts and many more. Aaron is currently a board member for Miami Theater Center and in 2015 was honored as a Miracle Maker by the Women’s Committee of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami.

That same year, Aaron returned to the stage playing Richard Sherman in The Seven Year Itch at Miami Theater Center. His new media venture, Current.Miami, is a video-based digital media platform with an emphasis on storytelling.